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Emma Stone Wants Her Real Name Back

Can you imagine entering a world where someone else could steal your name from you if they were there first? Well that is exactly what happens in Hollywood. 

La La Land star Emma Stone revealed to W Magazine that Hollywood stole her name. A roughly sixteen-year-old Emma was forced to change her name when she began her acting career. Her real name, Emily Stone, was the name of another actress at the time.

She first changed her name to Riley Stone. Emma explained to W, “I landed a guest spot on Malcolm in the Middle, and one day they were calling, ‘Riley! Riley! Riley! We need you on set, Riley!’ and I had no idea who they were talking to.” It was in that moment Emma realized she could never be called something so different from her given name. 

From there, Riley became Emma. Even though the uber-famous actress wishes she could change her name back to Emily, we’d probably all still be calling her Emma. We have to say, we like Ms. Stone just the way she is.

Alexis DiZenzo is a motivated Connecticut native. She attends Fairfield University where she is majoring in digital journalism and minoring in marketing. She is currently co-campus corespondent of Fairfield's Her Campus chapter. Along with managing Her Campus Fairfield, Alexis has interned with The Secured Lender Magazine, and NBC Sports. She is a contributing writer for Elite Daily as well as Thought Catalog. In the early stages of her college career, Alexis has taken the initiative to reach far among the stars and achieve goals early on. She has a great sense of editing, writing, publishing, marketing and leadership as well as strong interpersonal skills. (And a fun-loving, outgoing personality!) Alexis' favorite book (and movie) is The Great Gatsby, she lives by the words of Carrie Bradshaw and you could definitely find her on a beach, soaking up the sun. Instagram @alexisdizenzo www.alexisfdizenzo.com