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Eating Clean!

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Elizabeth here!  I thought I would give a quick overview of what my main focus will be in terms of healthy living this fall: eating clean. 
I happen to be the owner of the slowest metabolism in the world – fortunately I’ve come to use that fact as a motivation rather than an excuse.  I make it a daily habit to run, do yoga, or hit the gym, but I’m not getting the results that I want.  It makes total sense that unhealthy eating would cancel out all of my hard work.  While my eating habits are by no means disastrous, they could certainly use some improvement.

 1303029 fruit basketSo what does eating clean actually entail?  After doing some research, I’ve gathered some facts: eating clean means consuming wholesome, lean, and nutritious foods with a very limited amount of refined sugar and processed foods.  I’m hoping to experience an increase in my energy levels as well as a difference in my body!
As of today, October 12, I pledge to eat clean.  For someone who’s a total foodie, this is going to be easier said than done.  But I have a hunch that once I start seeing and feeling results, I won’t want to stop!
Wish me luck!

(photo credit: Michaela Kobyakov)

Elizabeth Bayne is a first-year at the marvelous Smith College. She adores running dusty trails, pumping iron, and everything yoga-related. Unfortunately she cannot seem to muster the willpower to stay away from decadent desserts or anything covered in that delicious fake yogurt they dip raisins into. In all seriousness, working out is a powerful stress-reliever for her and has invariably become a part of daily life. Most recently, yoga and weight lifting have become the most exciting parts of her workout routine, but she’s always looking for new ways to be motivated (Thursday night Zumba class, anyone?). Her workout goals for this season are to tone up and to adopt sensible eating habits to avoid the seemingly ubiquitous Freshman Fifteen. She also wants to be able to do a handstand for two reasons: to develop intense concentration skills and to have a cool party trick.