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The Disturbing Reason Why Amy Schumer Won’t Take Photos With Fans Anymore

Amy Schumer won’t let fame get in the way of her personal space. This weekend, our favorite comedian was shocked by a fan who invaded both her space and her privacy by aggressively trying to take a photo of her. When she asked him to stop, he refused. 

Schumer posted a picture of the man on Instagram and made it clear just how upset she was by the situation: “Yes legally you are allowed to take a picture of me. But I was asking you to stop and saying no. I will not take picture with people anymore and it’s because of this dude in Greenville.” 

Schumer’s public condemnation of the man generated a firestorm of comments, ranging from support to anger. She uploaded another photo later that same day defending her decision. She kept her comments short and sweet, thanking those who support her but remaining firm in her decision. 


Have a good weekend!

A photo posted by @amyschumer on

The man who Schumer claims inappropriately approached her is now fighting back with a statement of his own. Leslie Brewer says he complied with Schumer’s request and even apologized. He argues that Schumer walked away and then stormed back over his way, telling him she was going to share his picture with all her followers. Bringing his daughter into the mix is what truly upset Brewer. “You’re a celebrity. I understand you want to blast me, but that’s petty, that’s beneath you,” he says.

Always the strong woman, it’s good to see Schumer standing up for herself yet again, despite what Brewer has said to defend himself! Though we are sad knowing if we ever happen to bump into her on the street, we might not be getting an Insta-worthy pic with her.

What do you think? Was this man’s behavior crossing a line, or do fans have the right to take photos with their favorite celebs? 

Hardcore nerd with a love of food, travel, eyeliner, and powerlifting. Asian Studies major with a minor in Cinema Studies; Honors Thesis in Japanese Horror Film. Bowdoin College '17.