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David Beckham to Heat Up Paris for 2013 Season


“It’s an exciting city, always has been and always will be,” David Beckham said of Paris, the city where the soccer star plans to relocate to upon accepting an offer with the Paris-St. Germain soccer club, which he discussed at a press conference last week. 

The hunky English athlete has always had an affinity for playing abroad, most recently completing a six-year deal with the Los Angeles Galaxy.


While this decision marks yet another move for the globally recognized athlete (LA-based HCers are still upset he left the country), it also solidifies Beckham’s status as a soccer powerhouse.

Regardless of his age (37!) or status, Becks continues to be a highly desired (and expensive) player in the professional soccer world, bringing to the table not only athleticism but years of experience as a midfielder, (he got his start with the super-successful Manchester United). But while he’s commanding another whopping salary, the do-gooder has already pledged to donate his full salary for the five-month deal to a local children’s charity, as reported by the New York Times

Just in case we weren’t swooning enough.

Abigail Colby is a current senior at Salisbury University in her native state of Maryland. Before writing and blogging for Her Campus, she worked on the entertainment team for College Magazine and founded her own column, Party Girl Problems, in SU's student newspaper. Along with working as a writer, Abigail is a sister of Zeta Tau Alpha and member of Saisbury Univeristy's Center for Civic Activism. She is also a self-admitted online shopping addict, huge Baltimore Ravens fan (ya know, the Superbowl champs), and loves being out on the water. Puppies and cupcakes are pretty high on the list as well. Enjoy!!