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Counting Calories Really Does Help

Two weeks ago I began the biggest challenge I have ever taken on…losing the freshman 15! You could say that I was conscious of what I ate, but at the same time I would hit the drive thru of a Wendy’s or Chick-Fil-A weekly.  I tried to track my calories, but always failed.  It wasn’t until I started the SELF Jumpstart Diet that I became serious about my diet and especially counting calories.

A couple of days ago, Lose the Freshman 15 blogger, Nikki Roberti wrote a similar blog about counting calories, and I couldn’t agree more with her! Counting calories lets you know exactly what is going into your body. Since I started counting my calories regularly I am much more aware of what I’m feeding my body.

SELF Magazine offers participants of the jumpstart diet a great tool to track your food intake and workouts. For those who are good about going to their computer after eating, that is a great tool, but for me I don’t always
have a computer around me, so I use my iPhone. My phone is always attached to me, so using an app I am able to easily able to enter in the foods that I eat and know immediately how many calories I’m eating.

As I stare at the Tasty Kakes (210 Calories) on the counter, I’m tempted to eat them, but know they would not look good entered into my food log. Therefore, I walk away and am satisfied that I didn’t give into the temptation.

Counting calories is a lot of work but eventually it will become habitual. Continue to follow me on my journey and joining SELF Magazine’s Jumpstart Diet for motivational tips and access to the food and workout logs. 

Elizabeth is a senior writing and rhetoric major at James Madison University with a minor in communication studies. She is involved in many activities on campus including a job with University Unions, where she writes articles for the website and contributes to the blog. Elizabeth hopes to get a job after graduation that will involve lots of writing, whether that be at a publication or doing PR. But for now she is enjoying the little time she has left at JMU.