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Yesterday was my sorority’s semi-formal. A night full of swing dancing to a live band while surrounded by great friends, you bet I had a blast! Semi-formal obviously also entails a day of primping and the always important beautiful dress.

I am proud to say I wore I dress I most definitely not have worn a year ago, because let’s just say that I usually shy away from anything form fitting. As nervous as I was to wear something that showed off my curves, everyone ended up loving the dress! Someone even told me I had the best dress of the night, which made me very happy.

Besides that, it also made me realize something; confidence is key. Since last year, I have been trying desperately to get back on the fitness level that I was in high school and to become a healthier person all around. Unfortunately, after a year of working hard and not seeing results, I became frustrated and discouraged.

This year I have turned over a new leaf. I don’t know exactly what did it, maybe it was coming back to school this year having already lost some of the “freshman 15” I had gained in the first two years of my college life, but I felt more confident than ever! When I am confident I am even more motivated to eat well and work out harder. On the other hand, when I not feeling so great about myself, that is when I tend to give in to the chocolate and junk food.

So my advice to all you collegiettes™ is to keep your confidence up at all times! There are always going to be days when we aren’t feeling great about ourselves or are discouraged because the results aren’t what we want them to be…but being confident in who you are and thinking positively about the future is the best way to keep pushing yourself to be better. The results will come and they will be great!

Join me in following the SELF Jump Start Diet and you will be feeling more confident in no time!

HC love,
