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Chrissy Teigen Asked of the ~Important~ Questions After John Legend Announced His Role in ‘Jesus Christ Superstar’

With Christmas approaching in a matter of days, it’s only appropriate that the roles for the NBC Jesus Christ Superstar Live in Concert were announced for its 2018 airing. Among those cast members is John Legend, who will be playing Jesus himself. 

After an exciting announcement on Twitter from the “All of Me” singer, he received a very pressing question from his wife, Chrissy Teigen. 

I mean, it is a logical question. How will he fit in the manger? 

Thankfully, John had a reply for his wife’s concern and it may require a John look-alike in baby form.

If you’re wondering where they’re going to find a baby that looks like John Legend, all they need to do is look through the replies to their tweets. There are a few babies that may make the cut. For example: 

But, if they want to cut the search short, they might as well put Luna in the manger. She looks like John, why not?



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I mean, look at the two of them! A perfect pair.

We don’t have the official answer to Chrissy’s important question just yet, but I’m sure NBC has it all under control. I can’t wait to see what other roles are cast and I’m sure we’ll hear soon. Until then, I’ll be laughing at Chrissy’s Twitter account. It’s pure gold. 

Abbey is a senior at the University of Wyoming and is currently majoring in Journalism. She couldn't imagine a world without Jesus, coffee, The 1975, Twitter or her family. You'll usually find her at a concert or cafe somewhere, which is where she spends majority of her free-time. Talking to band members after their shows is a hobby, along with thrifting & indulging in all aspects of pop culture. After college, she plans to spend more time at concerts, getting paid to write about music and bands.