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This British Grocery Store Employee Regularly Gets Mobbed by Fans Who Think He’s Ed Sheeran

Wesley Byrne from Manchester, U.K. is probably the only grocery store employee who fully expects to be mobbed by fans when he goes in for a shift at work — and that would be because the guy looks scarily like Ed Sheeran and regularly gets mistaken for him pretty much anywhere he goes.

On Tuesday, Byrne appeared on British talk show This Morning to talk about his experience as Ed Sheeran’s doppelganger. Spoiler: it’s not easy. According to Byrne, he actually gets in trouble with his boss due to the amount of fans that approach him for selfies and autographs at work.

“I’ve been told to stop taking selfies at work because people are coming up to me while I’m working,” he told the show’s hosts.

It gets worse too — especially since the release of Ed’s “Perfect” duet with Beyoncé, Byrne says he now can’t even have a night out without fans demanding he sing something for them.

“It started when I was on a night out and this random guy was adamant that I was him,” he later added. “He asked me to sing something and I had to show him my passport to prove I wasn’t him.”

In his defense we don’t really see why fans think they’d run into Ed working in the aisles of British grocery chain Asda, but then again, we can’t really blame them considering there’s no way this guy *isn’t* Ed’s twin separated at birth. The haircut, the glasses, the face shape — I mean LOOK AT HIM.

No word on how Byrne’s singing chops stack up to Ed’s, but maybe there’s some way for him to quit his grocery store job and become a full-time Ed Sheeran impersonator? 

Caroline is the Evening/Weekend Editor and Style Editor at Her Campus, a senior public relations major at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and a leather jacket enthusiast.  You can follow her on Twitter and Instagram @c_pirozzolo.