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Breath of fresh air


Hey collegiettes™!

So if you have seen the trend of my posts lately, they all seem to revolve around one thing…stress. However, the past two days have been such a breath of fresh air after a very long week.

For one, I slept a decent amount last night so that probably started me off on a good foot. Well, that and my Kashi cereal for breakfast. In between my classes I grabbed a Nature Valley Sweet and Salty Nut bar for a snack and then had a PB&J and some fruit for lunch. I know that is a lot of carbs, but not being able to eat meat on Fridays during Lent (I’m Catholic), limits what I can eat at the pit.

One of the best parts of today was the nice long run I went on with a friend. We ran nearly 5 miles! It felt so good and it was some wonderful bonding time. Plus to make my day even better I went to dinner and got to catch up with two friends that I hadn’t seen in a while. We chatted over yummy appetizers of brie and hummus with some wine and then I had a salad with salmon and goat cheese as my entrée. All in all it was a great day, both with keeping to the SELF Jump Start Dietand enjoying some much needed girl time.


This isn’t from tonight, but it’s me with some of my pretty friends.