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Better Workouts with Group Fitness Classes


Hey Collegiettes™!

Do you find your self wanting to take a group fitness class but too intimidated to?  I know I was, that was, until I got one of my friends to take a class with me. I also told myself that everyone is there for the same reason, to get/stay healthy.

 I did a class here and there throughout my freshman, sophomore, junior and beginning of senior year, but since starting the Jump Start Diet, the group fitness classes have become my best friend. They are high-energy workouts and an hour seems like thirty minutes. I know that when I sign up for them I have committed myself to be there!

An advantage to taking group fitness classes is the constant motivation from the instructor and atmosphere in the room. The music is blaring and the instructor is yelling (a little bit of an exaggeration) to ‘give it all your effort, only four more repetitions.’  Besides staying motivated by the instructor I find myself competing with the people around me; I don’t want to be the only one in the room not doing the routine and slacking off. Therefore, I push myself even harder.

However, after taking step and sculpt this past weekend, it is okay to do a simpler variation of something if you just can’t get the more complicated one. At one point I had to tell myself that it is okay to do the simpler version as long as I keep moving.

Well you are probably wondering what classes I have taken…

  • Kickboxing – A high-energy workout based on kickboxing moves and drills.  Learn to punch and kick with the best of them. Expect moderate to challenging choreography. All fitness levels welcome
  • Cycling– Bring your cycle workout indoors for climbs, sprints, and much more.  No experience needed, class offers a great workout for all participants. No choreography.  
  • Step & Sculpt – Includes step training with segments of muscular strengthening for a total body workout. Expect challenging choreography. Intended for those with a high fitness level.
  • Zumba– A Latin inspired workout that promises some hip shakin’, core movement, and a ton of fun! Expect moderate to challenging choreography. All fitness levels welcome.

Descriptions taken from the JMU Recreation Department website.

There are still many more classes I want to try before I graduate in May. I would love to hear about classes you have taken. Leave me a comment below or follow me on Twitter (@Short3). 

Elizabeth is a senior writing and rhetoric major at James Madison University with a minor in communication studies. She is involved in many activities on campus including a job with University Unions, where she writes articles for the website and contributes to the blog. Elizabeth hopes to get a job after graduation that will involve lots of writing, whether that be at a publication or doing PR. But for now she is enjoying the little time she has left at JMU.