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Back on track


Hey Collegiettes™!

So I know you are all anxiously waiting how my Fat Tuesday went. Well, I definitely treated myself. At lunch I had a little bit of ice cream and a cookie and after dinner I had a fruit crepe with a scoop of vanilla ice cream. Not a great day, but I’m human and the thought of saying good bye to desserts for 40 days made it too hard to resist.

However, one thing I have learned throughout this past year, is that all you can do after a little slip up is get back on track. Obsessing over a mistake or bump in the road is not going to do anything. Usually it only hinders you from reaching your goal. I mean as girls, what do we often turn to when we are upset about something? As chocolate with most likely be the most popular answer, it obviously isn’t going to help to be too hard on yourself if it will only cause more discontentment. So what can you do instead of feeling awful about all the things you ate at a party last night?

Positive Thinking: I know this sounds like common sense, but it really can help! Simply banishing all negative thoughts about the cookie of ice cream you ate last night and replacing them with positive things like how you worked out hard today or ate a lot of fruit can help you get back on track. Praising the things you really like about yourself (we all have them) every now and then can really help to boost confidence, which in turn will help you stay motivated.

Exercise: In my opinion any form of exercise, especially running, is like a kind of therapy. It is when I do a lot of thinking and clear my head, plus it makes you feel great for hours after. SELF.com even says that cardio is proven to ease stress…what better excuse is there for nixing some school work for a quick trip to the gym!

Sign up for the SELF Jump Start Diet! If you haven’t already, this is a great way to keep yourself focused and excited about getting healthy and ready to rock that bikini come beach weekend.

These are just a few tips for how to stay on track when the going gets rough. It happens to all of us, it obviously happened to me, so all we can do is get up the next day ready to be even more committed to reaching our fitness and health goals.

HC love,
