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Alligators Have Apparently Been Surviving In Frozen Ponds In North Carolina & You NEED To See The Video

As the brutal winter temps start to kick in, the question is always how much should you layer-up to survive your morning commute to class or work? But, have you ever wondered how alligators survive the freezing cold come wintertime? Probs not, if we’re being honest, but trust me, you’ll want to know—and the video footage might make you feel a little more fortunate to be a human being! 

While it’s scarves, a hat, gloves and a puffy jacket for most humans, alligators work much differently. According to a blog post shared by The Shallotte River Swamp Park in Ocean Isle Beach, North Carolina, cold-blooded reptiles such as alligators rely on the sun to increase their body temperature and stimulate their metabolism, so when the air and water temps that surround them move into freezing territory, they take some wildly drastic measures to survive.

So, what’s a gator to do in the cold? While alligators can live in water temperatures as low as 40-degrees fahrenheit, alligators will go into a state called “brumation”, where a reptile’s metabolism slows down and they’ll go into a lethargic state, according to The Shallotte River Swamp Park. They’ll hang out at the bottom of the body of water, as they can hold their breath underwater anywhere from 1 to 24 hours (um, what?!). But don’t worry! If they need to breathe, they’ll simply surface and stick their nostrils out just above the surface of the water as it freezes, say the experts. 

Sounds totally crazy, right? Well, take a look for yourself!

Follow along with the park on their Facebook page for more updates on these chilly gators! And excuse me while I go wrap myself in as many blankets as I can find.

Amanda graduated from Carthage College with a Bachelor's degree in both Communications and Public Relations. She also proudly served as the Editor in Chief of her college's Her Campus chapter, and as a Her Campus Editorial Intern. She is from Chicago, Illinois, which she can confirm is indeed a windy city. Today she can still be found furiously tapping away at her laptop keys and producing content for the internet. In her spare time she enjoys reading books (before watching their Netflix or movie adaptions), running for fun (yes, it can be fun) and spending time with her friends and family.