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6israndom: Your 21st Century Journal

How many times have we promised to keep updating our journal entries, only to realize we’ve got 3+ years of catching up to do? How many times have we shouted, “Oh my gosh, I forgot about that!” when recounting stories with our friends? How many times have we edited and re-edited our answers to Facebook’s “What’s On Your Mind” question before clicking “Post?”

Well, it’s time to take Madonna’s advice and “express yourself,” collegiettes–and 6israndom, an up-and-coming site set to launch later this year (get a sneak peak here and check out their blog!) is here to help you do just that. 6israndom is a safe place for your anonymous posts–from guilty pleasures to epic failures to laugh-out-loud-but-never-speak-of-this-again moments. The best part is that you get to share these moments with people who can appreciate them: your posts are sorted under themes like “When I Had My First Kiss,” creating an online community of similar experiences. And unlike a Facebook status or tweet, there’s no limit to how much you can write. 

Rising Harvard senior and 6israndom intern Sandy Ghai says, “[W]hat I love about 6israndom is that it also uses anonymity to encourage authenticity in our everyday self-expression. We have private thoughts all the time that aren’t appropriate to share over Facebook or Twitter, but aren’t necessarily “big” enough to send a postcard to PostSecret about—the stuff that you think to yourself, but don’t write down, or even the stuff you tell your close friends and have no record of (we’ll have the option to share with a few friends, but NOT a network, in the future). It’s the funny story about embarrassing yourself in front of your roommate or accidentally falling for your cousin. It’s how you really felt when you got that college acceptance letter, despite maintaining your composure in front of everyone else. It’s that really awkward conversation with your parents about “The Birds & The Bees,” and the time you cheated on a test and felt awful, but couldn’t tell a soul.”

6israndom doesn’t just celebrate the awkward or embarrassing secrets, it also lets you share the good times–like the time you felt beautiful.   

So if you’ve been dying to share those unshared moments, it’s time to set up a 6israndom account! And let us know what you think of the site in the comments below!

Kema Christian-Taylor is a senior at Harvard University concentrating in English with a citation in Spanish.  As an aspiring novelist, she constantly jots down ideas on anything she can get her hands on—including paper napkins.  She has been dancing since age 3 and has choreographed for two shows her freshman and junior years in college.  Even though it means leaving behind her sunny home in Houston, Texas, Kema loves to travel and has been to every continent except Antarctica. Things she cannot live without include the Harry Potter series, Berryline, Pretty Little Liars, the Hunger Games, 90s music, and soy chai lattes.