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10 Students Had Their Harvard Acceptances Rescinded For Participating in an Offensive Facebook Meme Group

Ten incoming freshmen have been kicked out of Harvard before they even started, The Harvard Crimson reports. Back in December, a group of incoming freshmen for the class of 2021 created a Facebook meme page that was later titled “Harvard memes for horny bourgeois teens.”

It only gets worse from there. According to NBC Washington, students shared messages making fun of the Holocaust, sexual assault and child abuse. Some students even joked about how abusing children was a turn-on. 

Harvard spokeswoman Rachel Dane gave a statement to the Crimson on Saturday in which she failed to confirm or deny any actions taken on the students, saying that Harvard does not “comment publicly on the admissions status of individual applicants.”

The administration has been involved and investigating the Facebook group since mid-April, according to the Crimson. And unfortunately, is the second time incoming Harvard freshman has been exposed for sharing inappropriate, offensive content. Just last year, incoming students from the class of 2020 made racist and sexist jokes in a GroupMe chat, but did not face consequences.

Most of the students the Crimson interviewed said they thought revoking acceptances of the students in the meme group was the right decision. Hopefully this teaches students that getting into your dream school doesn’t give you a free pass to do whatever you want—and that anything you put on the internet can come back to haunt you.

Kayleen is a senior at Florida International University and is pursuing her dream career as a journalist. She is addicted to HGTV and original shows on Netflix. Proud of her Cuban heritage, she rocks hoop earrings and cannot go a day without her pastelitos. You can find her on Instagram as @Mongaleen or follow her Disney account @Disneyleen.