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Win A Free Personal Assistant from Cisco Valet!

Staying up late, leaving your room a mess, and not having to reply, “yes mom, I did my homework” on a daily basis are just a few of the perks that come with being in college.  But being an independent collegiette does have its downsides. Every time I have to brave Boston’s freezing temperatures to buy groceries or do my laundry, I cant help but think “if only I had a personal assistant!” Which brings me to Cisco Valet’s new contest…

Cisco Valet is a company that makes the whole wireless Internet system super simple (see Windsor’s blog post).  And their latest contest is awarding one lucky winner a free personal assistant for 6 months!


Entering is super easy. All you have to do is go to Cisco Valet’s Facebook page and upload a video explaining why you want a personal assistant. Every person that submits a video will be automatically entered in a weekly drawing to score a free Cisco Valet Plus and one lucky winner will get a personal assistant for 6 months!

I know all you over-achieving collegiettes could use an extra pair of hands and a few more hours in your day, so click here to enter!
And comment below! If you had a personal assistant, what would you have them do?

Nikki Fig is a Broadcast Journalism major at Emerson College. She writes, produces and reports for shows on several Emerson television stations and is a web writer for Emerson's lifestyle publication, Em Mag. She is also the Philanthropy Chair of Alpha Epsilon Phi and recently returned from a study abroad program in Israel. Nikki is graduating in May and plans to move back to New York City. She wants to pursue a career in journalism that will enable her to combine her love of fashion, travel and culture.