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Unleash Your “Little Monster”

Do you think you have what it takes to be one of Gaga’s “Little Monsters?” Can you handle the unique persona of the Queen of Bad Romance?
Virgin Mobile and Lady Gaga are collaborating in a nationwide search for nine “Local Little Monsters.” Emerging bloggers, video journalists, and Gaga-crazed fans can submit 1-2 minute video entries that prove they deserve the chance to go behind-the-scenes at one of her Monster’s Ball tour stops. The awesome prize includes the chance to attend one of her concerts and assist with interviewing and documenting backstage activities. Winners also get to hang out with Virgin Mobile’s official Monster Ball Blogger, Dannielle Owens-Reid, who started the hilarious blog “Lesbians Who Look Like Justin Bieber” and the advice forum “Everyone is Gay.”
Here at HC we can’t wait to see the crazy and innovative videos that people post for this exciting opportunity! We expect that wild outfits, kooky dancing, and genuine personality are what it’s going to take to go viral. Bring your keen writing skills and creative talents!
The deadline for video submissions is March 7, 2011. For more details and official contest rules, check out: http://apps.facebook.com/talenthouse-app/114300980526/?