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Norwegian 101, Lesson 5

Your daily dose of random Norwegian

5. tussen tak
Katie-ified: TEW-SEN TAHK
Translation: thank you very much

Relevance: I’ve been hanging in Norway for nearly three weeks now, and on Friday night, as I sat down to Shabbat dinner with an Orthodox rabbi and his wife and kids and an endless supply of matzoh balls and homemade challah bread, I was reminded once again of how kind and welcoming people here have been. And as I beef up my arsenal of Norwegian manners and figure out how to extend my greatest P’s and T’s, I say my share of tussen taks:

  • To Oslo’s Rabbi Shaul, for welcoming into his home a complete stranger who religiously played hookie throughout her Hebrew school career
  • To the lumberjack man in the Subaru who gave a bunch of us a lift when we were helplessly lost on day one, requesting that we “just toss that axe in the backseat into the trunk” (only in Norway would this not disturb me)
  • To all the jolly, blonde people I constantly ask for subway directions I should really know by now
  • To United Bakeries for providing wireless and free coffee refills and addictive strawberry jam
  • To umbrellas and rainboots and layers and scarves and lots of cozy coats
  • To the toned and loyal male gym-goers who make me slightly more inclined to stay on the treadmill for more than five minutes
  • And finally, to all the kids I’ve met so far who’ve taught me something new. Who knew that an Australian juicebox is called a “popper,” or that in Germany, being fashionably late is really not so fashionable?
Katie most enjoys friends, non-fiction, and dessert. She graduated from University of Pennsylvania and is a contributing editor at Glamour magazine.