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Intern Diaries: How to Work in Close Quarters- The Art of Being Organized

Sadly, not all internships are created equal. I have had intern experiences where the only space I had to call my own was the hanger in the closest where I hung my coat, and the spot on the floor where I put my purse. You can imagine how spoiled I felt when I found out that at my current internship, I would have my very own desk and computer- fancy, I know. While I am very lucky to work in what I like to refer to as the “anti-cubicle” office space (think big open windows and nice high ceilings), I share the coveted space with my boss and fellow intern. Being a part of a magazine means we all work together to form a collaborative team, so in that sense sharing an office is actually ideal. And yet, when it’s crunch time and everyone is trying to meet a quick deadline, or all three of our phones are ringing at once- things can get pretty hectic. During the past eight weeks of my internship, I have learned how to work in close quarters with my colleagues thanks to these simple steps.

Cleanliness is key.

No matter where you work or what position you’re in, this is a general rule of thumb that should be adhered to throughout your entire career. It is so incredibly difficult to work at your full potential if everything on your desk is a complete mess. I understand how busy things can get in an office, and for interns who are balancing classes on top of trying to have a social life, staying organized can be particularly difficult. But what you must remember is that as an intern, all eyes are on you. When you keep your area clean, it shows that you are motivated and respect the company you work for and the people you work with (especially if you share an office like I do!). If keeping clean is not your forte, I suggest getting rid of clutter and trash before you organize to avoid keeping things that aren’t necessary. A helpful tip: Binders and filers help keep my desk looking nice and neat!

 Keep a schedule… and stick to it!

Whether you’re addicted to your Blackberry or tote your MacBook with you everywhere you go, it is absolutely imperative to have a planner. Writing down your schedule is a surefire way to stay up to date and on the ball. I am partial to my wonderfully handy Lilly Pulitzer planner, but it’s important to find one that works for you. That being said- make sure to actually utilize your planner. Once something is put on your schedule, it is your responsibility to follow through with the task at hand. If you have the space, you can always opt for an actual hanging calendar or a white board to help with reminders and important dates.

Plan your day, ahead of time.

This might seem to go hand in hand with keeping a schedule, but I have found that it’s a great way to ensure that I stay productive throughout the day. Having my schedule in a planner helps remind me of future appointments and upcoming deadlines, but I like to take a few moments before I get off work to make a quick list of the things I need to work on the following day. During my internship, all kinds of unplanned things come up, so having a “to-do” list keeps me focused on my priorities and what needs to be done that day.

Be respectful.

In my internship, I have the opportunity to conduct a lot of interviews. Most of the time I’m running in and out of the office to meet with the people I am interviewing, but I have had to conduct interviews in my office (as if interviewing someone isn’t already intimidating enough, try doing it with your boss watching!). Whether it’s via Skype or by phone, I always make sure to let the girls I work with know ahead of time if I have an “in office” interview so they can plan accordingly. I always want to make sure that I am conducting an interview during a time that’s convenient for everyone to avoid any kind of disruption.

If you do work in close quarters with your colleagues, remember to keep your cell phone on silent or vibrate, and try to keep phone conversations at a reasonable level. In my office we usually play music throughout the day, but we always make sure to pick a Pandora station that everyone can agree on!

Add a personal touch.

For some strange reason when I was younger, I was slightly addicted to office supplies. Going “back-to-school shopping” was arguably my favorite time of the year, and I thought staples and paper clips were about the coolest accessories a girl could have (oh, how wrong I was). While my shopping addictions have changed rather drastically, my quirky love for office supplies still remains. What’s even better is now I actually use office supplies! I’ve enjoyed adding my own personal touch to my desk with floral scissors and funky post-its (among other little helpful desk accessories). While “redecorating” is a great way to ensure that the space where you work is comfortable, don’t skimp on the essentials like pens and notepads. Remember, you spend the majority of your day at your office, so why not make it enjoyable! Keep in mind that some companies might have strict policies about how they expect their employees to keeps their desks, so make sure to check with your boss before you make any additions.

Take pride in the space you work in. Your desk can be a reflection of you unique personality and style, but it should always remain professional.


Ellery is a senior at Auburn University double majoring in Radio, Television, and Film and Musical Theatre. She became involved with her campus in the Fall of 2011, and is a contributing writer and co-founder of the HC branch at her school. Ellery spends her time anchoring and producing stories for the Eagle Eye TV, as well as teaching acting classes for children at the local community theater. A member of the Delta Zeta sorority and the Lambda Pi Eta National Communication Honors Society, Ellery has enjoyed her time at the loveliest village on the plains, and hopes to pursue an editorial career. Originally from Florida, Ellery loves cooking, fashion, traveling, arts and crafts, and has a flair for all things with southern charm. With a passion for reading and films, Ellery also enjoys the outdoors including hiking and most recently spear-fishing! Ellery is very excited to be apart of the HC team, and is looking forward to watching the Auburn branch grow.