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Hottest College Girls in America calendar

Yesterday I got an interesting press release from Hottest College in America LLC about their new swimsuit calendar featuring 12 of the hottest girls at University of Arizona.  The company is run by a male University of Arizona student.  They picked the 12 girls after receiving hundreds of nominations via their website, and they then did an 8-hour photo shoot with the girls, produced entirely by University of Arizona students, to make the calendar.

The press release emphasizes that the calendar is not just about looking at hot girls in swimsuits- it’s also about fashion, and about the natural desert landscape where they shot it.

The calendar is being distributed all around University of Arizona, and you can preview it online here.

What do you think about the idea of a male student putting this swimsuit calendar of college girls together?  Do you think it’s tacky or classy?  And do you applaud the girls who participated in it (maybe they are aspiring models, or just self-confident and proud of their looks) or do you think it’s a negative thing for them to be involved with?

I think as long as the girls willingly participated (which it sounds like they did) and are comfortable with the final product, good for them!  Let me know what you think and if you agree or disagree with me by leaving a comment!

Stephanie is co-founder, CEO & Editor-in-Chief of Her Campus Media, which she co-founded in 2009 as an undergrad at Harvard.