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Don’t worry, I’m still alive collegiettes™!

So sorry for the delay on posts this weekend, I’ve been tied up with working a huge event for my internship. However, I am so proud of myself for sticking to the JumpStart diet throughout all the chaos. I put in long hours interning at the Philadelphia Flower Show, full of vendors selling french fries, hot dogs, pizza, and ice cream, and did not crack once!
I kept thinking to myself, ‘I’d rather be hungry than to eat something that would disappoint me’ and it worked. In addition, I’ve managed to eat breakfast for two days in a row. On Friday, I cooked 1 scrambled egg, topped it with a slice of cheddar and sandwiched it between a whole grain english muffin with 1 cup of grapes. It was so yummy! And on Saturday, I ate a small bowl of cheerios (1 cup is only 100 calories) with diced bananas mixed in (one of my favorites!). If I can keep this routine up, my breakfast challenge will soon be conquered.

As far as working out, I wasn’t able to hit the gym Saturday or today due to working long hours. However, Friday afternoon, I did the Jillian Michaels 30-minute cardio sizzler, and boy o boy did I sizzle. On paper, it doesn’t look difficult, just a few exercises for 3 minutes each, but I was tired 6 minutes in! This is a great workout for the days when you can’t hit the gym or for those of you who don’t enjoy going to the gym. Part of me wants to say that it was harder than doing the elliptical!

From now on I’m going to make my Sunday posts, “Goal Sundays”. Every Sunday, I’m going to set weekly goals, and you can too. I think setting goals will help push us through any difficulties we may encounter through the week. I’m very goal oriented and I don’t like losing, so I know that setting standards for myself will keep me strong. Here are my goals for this week:

  1. WORKOUT: Obviously, I’m going to work out, but this week I want to push myself even harder. Since I don’t have classes, I want to spend an extra 30 minutes in the gym than I would normally. I’m going to do 15 minutes of more cardio and 15 minutes of more strengthening exercises.
  2. EAT ALL MY MEALS: This weekend, I failed to eat all of my meals. Even though I ate healthy meals, I skipped lunch for two days straight. I want to make sure I eat all my meals so that I don’t feel the need to over eat due to severe hunger syndrome!
  3. PICTURES! PICTURES! PICTURES!: I’m going to start taking pictures of my meals for you all. I always remember once I devour half of my plate (haha) and by that point my food doesn’t look so appetizing. I will take more pictures to show you exactly what I’m eating.

What are some of your goals for the week? Please share! If you had any slip-ups this weekend, start fresh tomorrow. It’s a new week and it’s important to start it off strong. Feel free to leave me a comment, e-mail me (andrea.jordan@temple.edu) or tweet me (@Dreeeeeeea). I like to get to know my readers. Tell me how you made yourself proud this weekend!

Blog to you soon!

Andrea is a junior at Temple University in Philadelphia, PA. She packed up her things and moved from her suburban home in Columbus, Ohio ready to start her college life in the big city. She is a double major in Magazine Journalism and Public Relations with hopes of making it in NYC after graduation. Andrea is Secretary and Treasurer of Temple University's ED2010, a member of PRSSA, and of TU Her Campus. Andrea intered in Columbus, Ohio, Washington DC, and Philadelphia with a total of 6 internships. She was recently chosen as one of the winners of the NaturallyCurly.com Hair Vlogger contest and has a YouTube channel with a friend covering all aspects of college fashion and beauty. In her free time, she enjoys working out, shopping, and watching YouTube videos.