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Tatiana Zapata

UPRM '26

Tatiana Zapata is the senior editor at Her Campus at UPRM chapter. She likes to read the variety of articles with music in the background that fits the vibe of what the article is about while sipping on a cup of coffee while doing the final reviews of the articles before they are published.

Beyond Her Campus, Tatiana is currently a junior studying Chemical Engineering and in the process of soliciting a minor in Pharmacy. Before being in Her Campus, Tatiana was a member of the Industrial Biotechnology student association; AEBI, as a freshman college student in 2021. This association helped her to understand more about the career as she was an Industrial Biotechnology student and decided to switch to Chemical Engineering because it felt that she liked more that environment and was more fit for her future goals which include a Doctorate in Biomedical Engineering.

In her free time, she likes to go to the gym, watch sunsets and explore coffee shops. She is a fan of music and likes a variety of genres but one that has stuck with her has been metal. Moreover, one hobby that she has been trying and liking more is journaling, it’s like an unwind of feelings and emotions for her.

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