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Sasha Osinovsky

UVA '27

Sasha Osinovsky is on Her Campus's social media team at the University of Virginia's chapter, creating content for the TikTok and Instagram pages. She is excited to get involved in UVA's Her Campus chapter and connect with her chapter members.

Sasha is a first-year at UVA, intending to major in Foreign Affairs and Public Policy on the pre-law track. On campus, she is a part of the Running Club and hopes to get involved in more pre-professional groups.

In her free time, Sasha loves to get active! Whether that be going on a run, taking a walk with friends, or exploring Charlottesville; Sasha's always up for the next adventure. She also enjoys a chill night in, indulging in her favorite takeout, Thai food, and rewatching her favorite show, The Office, for the umpteenth time.