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Natalia Guilloty Rodriguez

UPRM '26

Natalia Guilloty is part of the social media content creating team for the UPRM chapter of Her Campus. She manages various aspects of the platform, including content creation and engagement strategies across social media channels.

Beyond Her Campus, Natalia is deeply involved in her passion for reading, often sharing her insights and recommendations with the HerCampus community. She also finds solace in painting, using it as a creative outlet to express herself. Living in Puerto Rico, Natalia takes every opportunity to explore the beauty of the island, capturing its vibrant culture and stunning landscapes.

Natalia's interests extend to sports, particularly American football and Formula 1. She enjoys following these sports and engaging in discussions with fellow enthusiasts. As a second-year Psychology major at UPRM, Natalia is on the path to pursuing a Doctorate in Clinical Psychology, driven by her desire to help others through therapy and counseling.

On social media, Natalia's posts revolve around her favorite topics: books, sports, and movies. She shares her thoughts on recent reads, explaining sports, and must-watch films, sparking engaging conversations with the audience.

In her downtime, Natalia finds relaxation in listening to Greek mythology podcasts, delving into the timeless tales of gods and heroes. Despite being naturally shy and uncomfortable with public speaking, Natalia finds joy in expressing herself through karaoke, embracing the spotlight in her own way.

While Natalia is not formally affiliated with the Lions Club, she is passionate about giving back to her community through charitable endeavors, often participating in initiatives alongside her father. Through her creative pursuits and dedication to helping others, Natalia continues to carve her path towards making a positive impact both online and offline.

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