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Khyati Sahrawat

Delhi North '26

Khyati Sahrawat is a member of the PR team at Her Campus at the Delhi North chapter. Currently she's a first year History Honours student at Hansraj College in the University of Delhi.

Beyond HCDN she is a member of the literary society at her college and her interests include event management and public speaking. At a school level she was involved in organising events for her school and speaking at them. She was an active member of the debating society and a rank holder in her class. She has excellent communication skills and loves to interact with strangers to get an insight into everyone's thoughts and be a better judge of psychology. Khyati is also a natural empath and loves volunteering for a social cause.

In her free time, Khyati loves to have coffee and sit with her thoughts. She really enjoys philosophical discussions about the 'great beyond' and loves to pen down her thoughts.

Links: https://www.linkedin.com/in/khyati-sahrawat-6a09b5291?utm_source=share&utm_campaign=share_via&utm_content=profile&utm_medium=android_app (LinkedIn)

https://instagram.com/khyatisahrawat?igshid=NzZlODBkYWE4Ng== (instagram-@khyatisahrawat)

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