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Julia Bristol

Temple '25

Hi everyone, I'm Julia Bristol. I am a current student at Temple University, studying Film and Media Arts with a minor in Creative Writing. I am a writer for the 2023-2024 school year, and will be writing pieces that focus in and around women's health topics. There are many aspects of women's health that I feel I can share my own personal input and experiences, so I'm so excited to get to write in this channel!

As a junior at Temple University, I have had a plethora of other experiences within the school that have helped shape my future career. I am most interested in becoming a screenwriter, so any form of writing is incredibly fun, and beneficial, to me and my future success. I am also currently the Communications Chair of Temple University's Book Club, and have been doing that for the last two years.

A little bit more about me is that I am originally from Massachusetts, and have really loved adjusting to living in the city. I have always craved the fast paced city life, and am incredibly thankful I have the opportunity to attend a school that possesses a good balance of campus and city. In my free time, I love to read, go thrifting, attend concerts, go out with friends, and watch movies. Writing has always been a huge part of my life, ever since I was a young girl, so I am thrilled to have the opportunity to write for Her Campus Temple for the 2023-2024 school year!