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Josette Travis

Cal State Chico '25

Josette Travis is a third-year student at Chico State. A Chico local with an ever-growing love for her hometown, she is a passionate academic, currently studying Physics, as well as Theatre and Dance.

She is an avid lover of the arts, with interests in literature, cinema, art history, fashion, and performance. Through her involvement in Her Campus, Josette is branching into the world of content creation and online journalism, and hopes to usher in the revival of the lost art of print journalism. She is passionate about the ability of online spaces to bring communities together and foster change in our world.

In her free time, Josette loves spending time with her family, her cats, paperback books, and Pinterest. She enjoys the many cafés and park spots around town, and connecting with everyone who has chosen to make Chico their new home!