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Jesse Baron

UCT '26

I am a undergrad student majoring in English Lit and Media and writing.Extremely nervous for what's coming but equally elated for the new experiences.I have a great interest in the arts and business worlds as I think they go hand in hand. They are a peculiar pair but I have faith in their relationship as we would all benefit from it.

My other interests are writing as well as reading have novels but I would be lying if I said they were always my passion. I had(have) a freakish obsession with movies as well as series of all genres. Picture a girl scrolling through her phone for 2 hours researching a film only to pick the one I thought of in the beginning. After I watch a film I sometimes like to do research on them to get context or to just get some understanding.

The movie Pinocchio by Guillermo del Toro is a fascinating animation that only is appreciated fully if one researches how it was produced. (Cue cheesy line)Similar to a life one can only appreciate it once you know who and how it was produced.I couldn't not squeeze myself into 3 paragraphs and no this doesn't truly capture me but it has a fun tangent on movies.

P.S Horror movies are poetry