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Georgia Condie

Bristol '27

HI, I am a first year History student at the University of Bristol. I love reading and writing about politics, history and the cultural issues GenZ and women more widely face. I have been Senior Editor of school’s magazine, where I specifically dedicated efforts to exploring and exposing the historically constructed phenomenon of rape culture, and the impact patriarchal power has had on women throughout history, largely in the school system whilst editing an article ‘Welcome to Womanhood’, amongst other pieces on politics such as ‘The Trump Phenomenon’, an article critically comparing the cultural tactics Donald Trump deployed in his electoral campaign with those of past Conservative leaders.

I have also received experience working for a female lead TV production company, DSP where I worked closely with senior producers, a process which undoubtedly helped me comprehend the dedication and precision needed to uncover and create an engaging, honest story. I am deeply interested in the relationship between culture and politics throughout time, and the absolute power this relationship holds over women. The concept that cultures have been an agent of historical power on a global scale fascinates me