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Claire Okamoto

TCNJ '26

Hi! My name is Claire Okamoto and I am a Sophomore Communications Major at TCNJ. I am originally from Piscataway, New Jersey and have done Social Media content creation and writing for many of the teams, clubs, and organizations I have been a part of. I joined HerCampus for the opportunity to create things that I love and am proud of, all while surrounded by a group of passionate women.
I have always been intrigued by pop-culture and the way that it impacts our every day lives. Music and film are two of my greatest loves, and in my opinion, two of the greatest things to write about. Not a day passes that I am not seeking out a new album to fixate on, or movie that changes my perspective on life. There is so much about the media to be critiqued, analyzed, and invested in, and I personally partake in all three daily!

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