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Angelina Vincenzini

Cal State Chico '24

Angelina is new to the organization and excited to be working as a marketing and outreach team member! She is currently a senior at Chico State University with a major in Psychology and a minor in Marketing, which she has felt are a very beneficial duo and have expanded her knowledge tremendously. She has been apart of international projects in her marketing and retail classes and is very glad to have joined Her Campus to provide her with even more knowledge on the road to future careers. She is interested in Human Resources and jobs that are marketing inclined, which she plans to continue to work towards after graduation.

She is originally from Sonoma, California, where she would love to see herself end back up in her future as it is a beautiful town where she would also love to use her marketing and psychology experience to be apart of the various wine industries in the area. In her free time she loves to go to the gym and try out a variety of exercise classes, read, play piano, and go on spontaneous trips with friends. She is very excited to be apart of this new team and can't wait for what comes next!

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