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Adriana Sepúlveda Mangual

UPRM '24

Social Media Director
Agronomy Undergrad Student
Expected graduation December, 2024

I am an undergraduate student majoring in Agronomy, fueled by a passion for specializing in natural resources. Since August 2020, I've been an integral part of Her Campus at UPRM, currently serving as the Social Media Director. My journey with Her Campus took an unexpected turn when I discovered Canva, sparking a newfound interest in design. While eagerly awaiting the publication of my first article, I am actively infusing color into our platform and promoting my colleagues' articles on Her Campus through Instagram.

In my leisure time, I channel my creativity into Canva designs, capturing moments through photography during my travels and hikes. A recent endeavor involves honing my drawing skills; I practice by tracing photos from Pinterest, incorporating the results into my Canva creations.

Beyond my academic pursuits, I find joy in expanding my horizons. I belong to the directives of four student associations unrelated to my field of study, driven by a thirst for knowledge beyond my coursework. Currently, I am on a journey to learn programming, embracing the challenge with enthusiasm.

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