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Aaryana Sharma

Texas '21

Hey there! My name is Aaryana and I am a freshman psychology major and entrepreneurship minor at UT Austin interested in studying child development, linguistics and bias.

I love featuring creatives and artists in my local and larger community, as well as sharing personal experiences in memoir-style writing. In the past I have written an article for in Miss Magazine, and gotten the opportunity to interview Grammy nominee (and later winner) Arooj Aftab, and Disney Launchpad animator Aqsa Altaf. Apart from feature articles I enjoy writing poetry, movie reviews, personal essays and short stories. You can find more of my writing here: https://linktr.ee/aaryanawrites .

When I'm not taking psych notes I enjoy volunteering, and spending time with the people I care most about. Apart from psychology I am passionate about teaching and have tutored for around five years.