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#5 Celebrities That Share About Real Motherhood

The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Casper Libero chapter.

Motherhood has always been a delicate subject in our community. The patriarchal society imposes that mothers should carry parenting by themselves, and the issues that affect those women are out of topic.

Find out 5 famous mothers that talk about real motherhood, breaking the patriarchal rules. If you want to know more about this world, from women’s perspective, you need to follow and keep up with these awesome mommies:

Tatá Werneck

Tatá Werneck is a humorist, an actress and the hostess of the show “Lady Night”, but she is also a mother – of the cutie Clara Maria. On her Instagram, she talks openly about maternity and its daily challenges, including the best and the worst part of being a mom: “The best thing is my daughter, which I love more than everything, the love of my life! And the worst is everybody sneaking, judging and telling you how to be a mom”.

The actress makes sure to show the reality of being a mom, in a light but honest way. She puts herself as a human being and sympathizes with other moms that are fighting the same war every day. In her speeches, Tatá said: “The lipstick does not hide the tired eyes. I’m the best mom I can be. The best I can. Not the best mom in the world”.

Rafa Brites

The journalist and show hostess Rafa Brites, Rocco and Leon’s mom, uses her social media to reflect and talk about real motherhood. She brings up subjects like puerperium, support network, postpartum depression and a lot of other delicate situations that moms go through but are afraid of talking about or don’t have anyone to do it with.

Rafa recently had her second kid and shares about her current phase: “Surrender by this beautiful and crazy phase that is puerperium. Adept to the big diapers and living the second kid, letting myself live each moment without a lot of self judgment, charge and comparing! Blessed with a loving support network, and my partner of live @andreolifelipe crying every time he looks at Rocco with Leon. Thanks for all the messages.”

Samara Felippo

Samara Felippo is an actress. She starred in a play about maternity dilemmas such as acceptance of the post-child bodies, puerperium and raising. She also uses her social media to share her routine with her daughters Alícia and Lara. Invited by the podcast ‘Pretoteca’, the actress tells about the racism experienced by her daughters in social media and real life: “They went through racist episodes at school and came home complaining. By the time that it happened, I sat down and explained what racism is. I give a name to racism. I always explain”.

Also in her social media, Samara talks about the brazilian expression “pãe”, that gets together the words “pai” and “mãe” (dad and mom, respectively) to refer to a mother who raised her kids by herself: “What really exists is a solo mom. Solo as in alone, because there is no such thing as a single mother, since my maternity doesn’t have anything to do with my marital status and also because a lot of mothers are married but still solo”.

giovanna ewbank

The model, actress and YouTuber Giovanna Ewbank daily shares on her social media the routine of her kids Chissomo, Bless and Zyan. Besides talking openly about the challenges of being a mom, Gio shares a lot about her experience in adopting, since her two first kids are adopted.

During her first pregnancy, the actress gave an interview to GQ Brazil magazine, where she questioned: “This child has already been born privileged. The conversations we will have with him won’t be the same that we had with our black kids. This is something that makes me really sad. I’m worried about them. Why won’t we need to have tough conversations with our white kids like we will have with our black kids? Why?”. In the same interview, she said: “Adopting isn’t charity, and people always mix this up. And it hurts.”. Giovanna debates and talks a lot about those topics, but she also makes a lot of TikToks and fun videos with her kids.

Sabrina Sato

Sabrina Sato is a TV hostess and Zoe’s mom. Sabrina shares and reports the hard part of being a mother and the challenges she overcame since she became one. During an interview to Marie Claire magazine, Sabrina told that she had baby blues (a short period after giving birth that’s filled with moments of sadness, anxiety, stress, and mood swings) since the third day postpartum.

The hostess also talked about handling maternity, her job and her personal life, in an interview to Uol, Sabrina said: “Knowing how to manage our time and get to know yourself again, is very important. I can understand all women that love being a mom, and I can understand all of those who don’t want it too. I keep having my fears, but I also have a will of being a mom more times”.


The article above was edited by Giovana Lins Barbosa.

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Ana Beatriz Aith

Casper Libero '25

Estudante de jornalismo e ciências sociais. Apaixonada por música, política, cultura e demais temas da atualidade :)