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6 Ways to Prioritize Your Health During Finals

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Pitt chapter.

The rush of finals week can feel all-consuming. It’s easy to slip into bad habits when all you’re focused on is the light at the end of the tunnel. But it’s important to take care of yourself, or else your health — and your grades — will suffer. Here are six simple ways to make your health a priority during finals week!

Stick to a sleep schedule

Having a regular sleep schedule helps improve the quality of your sleep. Not only will you feel less tired, but you’re likely to perform better when you’re well-rested.

Take a walk every day

When you’re in the throes of finals, it’s hard to find time for anything else. But a simple 20 minute walk will clear your head and help you focus, while also getting some easy exercise.

Meal prep
Prepping Meals

If you don’t have the time (or the will) to cook during finals week, an easy way to eat healthy is to meal prep. When you have time, pre-prepare a few meals and store them in the fridge to get you through the week. One easy thing out of the way!

revamp your study space

An important part of maintaining your health during finals is looking out for your mental health. When you’re in a space that’s organized and makes you happy, you’ll be more encouraged to get work done.

get out of the house

As much as an at-home study space can help you stay upbeat during finals, it’s also important to create healthy boundaries for yourself. By making use of a coffee shop, a friend’s place or one of Pitt’s many study spaces, you can set aside your home as a place for restful recovery!

listen to your body

The most productive thing you can do to prepare for finals is take care of yourself. You can’t do your best if you’re not feeling your best. So remember to pay attention to your body’s signs and make healthy choices. You’ve got this!

Elizabeth is a senior at Pitt majoring in English Writing and French. When she's not writing for hc, Elizabeth likes cooking, spending time with friends, and exploring Pittsburgh's cultural side.