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FTFG: 3 Ways to Fit a Workout into Your Hectic College Schedule

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Fairfield chapter.

Working out is a crucial part of many college students’ routines, but finding the time may become a challenge. Here are 3 ways to fit a workout into your hectic college schedule!

  1. Make a plan

Planning out your week may be tedious, but it is a lifesaver. I would have no idea what’s going on in my life if I didn’t have a schedule. Finding a time to workout may not always be consistent, so schedule it around your day rather than scheduling your day around working out. I try to do one early morning workout (around 6:30 am when the RecPlex opens) and one late night (around 10 pm before the RecPlex closes) once a week, but for the most part I’ll go in between classes or after. I also find it helpful to go into the gym with a basic plan of what you want to do. This can help you get an idea of how much time you’ll be spending there so you can plan your day better. Working out doesn’t always have to be consistent to the minute, but planning sure does help keep you sane!

2. Enjoy it

Along with scheduling, sometimes we still feel pressured and anxious, especially as college students. For example, you may want to hit a 12-3-30 workout (thank you Tik Tok) on the RecPlex treadmill, but you can’t enjoy it because you’re so focused on the assignment you should be doing. Working out is your time to hone in on the present and forget what else is going on in your life. For those 30 minutes allow yourself to get a good sweat going, watch some tik toks, or listen to your best playlist. Enjoy the workout and let your mind rest. It’ll help reduce stress and refresh your mind and body for whatever your next task of the day is!

3. “I don’t have time for the gym”

It’s no secret that college is time consuming. If you can’t find time to go to the gym, don’t stress! There are SO many alternatives. Walking around campus alone is a workout. Instead of taking the elevator, choose the stairs. If you have a couple minutes to spare, do a quick video workout in your dorm and get your roommate or friends to join in! 

Remember, working out should be fun!  Don’t beat yourself up if you skip the gym for the day. Sometimes you’re too busy or just aren’t feeling it! At the end of the day, taking care of yourself mentally and physically is what matters. 

MK Kalenak

Fairfield '25

Hi! I'm MK Kalenak! I'm a sophomore Public Relations & Digital Journalism Major and Finance Minor at Fairfield U from PGH, PA <3