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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at VCU chapter.

As a busy college student and an owner of more plants than I can count, I have had my fair share of failures and successes when it comes to keeping plants alive. Some are dramatic and will literally die if you water them an hour later than it’s used to, and others will be perfectly happy if you forget about them for weeks. With first-hand knowledge, research and my love for being a plant mom, these are the five best plants to own as a busy college student.

1. Succulents

Succulents are a very chill plant to keep. I have forgotten about mine for quite some time and they didn’t care. This is because they can hold water in their leaves, so a weekly watering schedule isn’t needed. This makes it perfect for those busy college students who want to be a plant mom without the work; more like a cool plant aunt. The only issue with these plants is that they will die if you overwater them, so less is more here.

2. Golden pothos (Epipremnum aureum)

Golden pothos, or devil’s ivy, is not only a beautiful plant but they aren’t dramatic either. These plants are heart-shaped and sometimes variegated, meaning splashes of white or gold may show up on the leaves. In addition, these plants also trail, meaning they branch off into a vine that makes for a beautiful piece in your home. When it comes to caring for them, they can deal with high or medium light and can even survive with only artificial light. Only water your pothos when then the soil is completely dry. The light they receive will determine the time in between waterings.

3. Snake plant (Sansevieria)

If you are really bad at keeping plants alive, a snake plant is the best thing you could have. They are the least problematic house plants out there, having the ability to handle high light and low light conditions and can go weeks without watering. Research even claims that snake plants may help keep the air inside your home clean, removing toxins like formaldehyde and benzene, according to NASA.

4. Spider Plant (Chlorophytum comosum)

Spider plants are very adaptable and pretty much constantly make mini-plants, or spiderettes, that you can propagate or let multiply. Their growth patterns are very interesting to look at too, with the mother plant in the middle and spiderettes hanging off like a spider. They prefer brighter light conditions and can tolerate dry soil if you forget to water that week.

5. Heartleaf Philodendron

Heartleaf Philodendrons are obviously heart-shaped, starting with a bronze color that will transition to green. Like pothos, they will trail or climb if left alone. They also like to be in a brighter lit area, being watered when the soil is dry. Unlike the others, they should be on a more regular watering schedule, but still a very hardy plant.

Krista Corson is a broadcast journalism major at VCU. Her passion of communication takes many forms including a personal YouTube channel, her own crime podcast and a budding modeling career. Krista’s drive to create leads her to the unexpected, which is where she feels most comfortable.