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Wellness > Mental Health

Check in With Your Mental Health

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Lasell chapter.

Have you been feeling off recently? Has your seasonal depression lasted longer than expected and you’re afraid it might be more serious? Whatever the case may be, it is important to check in with yourself to find the resources and support systems that can aid you in becoming a better you. 

Mental Health Screenings like the one linked here are a great way to check-in with yourself or with a loved one. This website in particular allows you to look at your thoughts and behaviors to analyze if they might be linked to a common mental health issue that can be treated. Knowing what you might have whether it is anxiety, depression, etc is a great first step in working towards coping and improving your mental health. 

If you are unsure of what some of your behaviors and thoughts may mean, you can take a wide range of screenings that will allow you to look at how your feelings rank within multiple different concerns. This site also features specific screenings that you can take on anxiety, depression, PTSD, alcohol use, substance use, eating disorders, and more. It can be hard to figure out where to start when it comes to dealing with your mental health. Taking a step back to reflect and assess yourself can help put you in the right direction towards success. 

Check-in with your mental health today by taking one of the screenings here

*Disclaimer: This is not an actual diagnosis. If your results show you may be having symptoms of one of these mental health concerns you should seek a counselor or therapist for a professional opinion and diagnosis if you so choose. 

Julia McNicol is a junior at Lasell University studying Fashion Media and Marketing with a minor in Journalism. She loves exploring the city, shopping, and watching a good rom-com! Her Instagram can be found at @juliamcnicol as well as @juliashannonxoxo for fashion-specific content.