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The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Chapel Hill chapter.

Bunny is a self-proclaimed “self-love and body image advocate” on Instagram and a fellow college student. She supports mental health and body image recovery and gives followers an inside look at her self-love journey. Bunny does not shy away from exploring the realities of having a body as a woman in our society. She recognizes that no one can feel confident every day and that sometimes acknowledging and being grateful that our bodies allow us to survive is enough. Personally, Bunny has helped me realize that as a woman, I have been conditioned to only wear clothing I believe “flatters” my body and that it can be freeing to start wearing whatever the hell I like.

Nelly supports exercising and moving our bodies in a way we enjoy without having a goal for our appearance in mind. She stresses the benefits of exercising, none of which include altering her appearance which include helping her mental health. Exercise is not all Nelly stands for, she also fights against the diet industry and realistically depicts the many different ways breast look. My favorite aspect of Nelly’s page is how openly she addresses the benefits of female self-pleasure and aids in breaking down the stigma around masturbation. Bonus points for her wonderful baking content!

Katie Budenberg fights against diet culture and modern beauty standards. Katie’s content showcases her beliefs that female nudity is not inherently sexual, body hair is nothing to be ashamed of and masturbation is not shameful. She tackles several women’s issues and fights back against how social media deems the female body “inappropriate” and often removes content that shows women’s bodies in open light. Katie also includes content from her life as a skilled competitive dancer and cat owner.

Bella’s content highlights the natural way bodies move and the normality of razor bumps, body hair, and stretch marks. She emphasizes the varying appearances breast have and the natural changes our bodies go through during our lifetime. She shares the importance of not being afraid of taking up space and acknowledges that we all have bad body image days, but never bad body days. She believes in never waiting to lose weight before we allow ourselves to enjoy life.

Sydney is a model, professional dancer and CEO. She celebrates black beauty, joy and strength. She believes in the importance of representation and hopes the following generations will grow up seeing women from different backgrounds with diverse bodies. Her posts include messages of anti-diet culture, anti-fat phobia, intuitive eating and self-love.

Selena Hernandez

Chapel Hill '23

I am a junior at UNC Chapel Hill majoring in English and Comparative Literature and an aspiring human rights lawyer.