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5 Tips to Managing Midterms through Self Care

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Emerson chapter.

Managing your mental health, especially as a freshman, can be tricky. So I have curated 5 ways that self-care helped me to manage midterms this semester. 

  1. Stretching/Yoga 

The idea of stretching or doing yoga before you start classes for the day can seem very posh, but this year, I have reaped the benefits, and you can too. Simple things like toe touches and downward dog motions are the perfect way to alert yourself before you begin your day.  Even taking slow deep breaths has also proven to be very helpful. Similar motions can affect your blood flow as well. 

2. Making your Bed

As a kid, I hated making my bed, but as a college student, I rarely go without it. When I was a kid, it proved to be a pestilent chore, but now, it provides much-needed organization, especially during hectic times like midterms. It allows me to take a few extra minutes before I start my day to relax and gather myself. Sometimes I take this time to listen to music or even podcasts. Though I aim to perform this at the beginning of the day, sometimes I make my bed around lunchtime. As long as we get it done!

3. Beauty Routines

Whether you have a 10-step beauty routine, or you just splash warm water on your face, carving out that extra time in the morning and night is crucial.  Time is valuable during midterms,  but I quickly learned to appreciate that method of self-care. For me, beauty routines include dental care, a light facial cleanser, toner, an SPF sunscreen, and a lip balm.  Even if you don’t feel your best during midterms, it always helps to feel and look your best.

4. Reading
If you are not reading a sizeable amount for your midterms, I recommend a bit of nightly reading. Fantasy/fiction and mystery novels are my personal favorite, but no matter the genre, the effect is still the same.  Unwinding and being able to detach from your homework is something that reading provides exclusively. Sometimes I can only read 10 pages a night, but it’s not about quantity! 

5. Exercise

We could not talk about self-care without getting our bodies moving daily. Some of my favorite workouts include CrossFit and cycling. I try to work out for at least 30 minutes every day. Whether it’s going for a jog or a long walk, it always helps to be able to enjoy nature (when possible) and get moving! During midterms, I found this increasingly helpful, as I was able to appreciate my body and celebrate my mind. 

Even though these were some of my practices during midterms, these tips can be used daily, asynchronous from testing periods. Enjoy!

Trinitee Stokes is an actress, author, international speaker and fashion designer. Trinitee made history at age fourteen to become the youngest student ever admitted to Emerson College in Boston, MA where she will major in Political Communication and Public Diplomacy. @triniteestokes