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Self-Care Tips to Combat Seasonal Depression This Winter

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UGA chapter.

With the winter chill slowly creeping in and the sun setting earlier every night, many of us fear the return of an unwelcome winter companion: seasonal depression. The “winter blues,” a milder form of Seasonal Affective Disorder (S.A.D), causes many people to feel more down during the winter months due to less sunlight and often being stuck indoors. This falls right on top of the holidays and finals season for college students, causing a severe lack of motivation and a general lackluster approach to life. During this time, it is essential to prioritize yourself and maintain good self-care habits to keep yourself from falling victim to the “winter blues.” Here are a few of my favorite tips to keep in mind:

Take time to rest

With the pressure of the end of the semester looming over you, it’s important to remember to allocate ample time to rest. Whether that be curling up on the couch with a new book, using that special fall bath bomb, or even just taking a nap, both your mind and your body require time to rejuvenate so you can deal with all that mental and physical stress.

make festive plans with friends

Immersing myself in the holiday spirit is one of my favorite ways to fend off seasonal depression. Make plans with your friends or significant other to go holiday shopping, visit a Christmas tree farm, or see some festive lights, and soak in the atmosphere. Even just a night spent wrapping gifts and watching holiday movies with your friends can leave you feeling refreshed and fulfilled. One of my favorite festive activities is to volunteer, as you get a chance to get out of your head and experience the joy of helping others. If you’re in Athens, check out the Classic Center for ice skating or get involved with Angel Tree to bring gifts to kids in need!

decorate your space

Another way to get a good dose of that holiday cheer and avoid the winter blues is to decorate your home for the season. Invest in some lights, holiday scented candles, and a wreath or two to get your space looking perfect for the holidays. It will also make for a great holiday photo backdrop! Not only will this look adorable, but simply living in such a festive environment can lift your spirits and ease your frantic mind.

make lists and rewards

Having a planned-out to-do list can help the amount of work you have feel much more manageable, and remembering to reward yourself after completing these tasks can prevent burnout. Staying on top of your work will keep you from that guilt of not feeling your best and help you bounce back into the grind much faster. I like to make a full list of tasks I need to complete for the week, then split them into mini-lists for each day. I also add in rewards, like a trip to Starbucks, for completing the challenging tasks.

go easy on yourself

Lastly, remember that seasonal depression can be hard, and that’s okay. It’s perfectly fine to feel like all you want to do is curl up in bed for the day or indulge in some sweet treats to make yourself feel a little better. Remember that many people are also struggling with this and that doing the best you can on hard days is the best gift of self-care that you could give yourself. Mental health should always be one of your highest priorities, and sometimes that means sacrificing other responsibilities to put yourself first.

Try these self-care tips this winter!

Anna is a Management Information Systems major with a certificate in Computer Science. She enjoys reading, playing video games, and frequent trips to Starbucks. After college, she hopes to get a job in software development in a large city.