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Want to Improve Your Study Habit? – These Tips May Help

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNT chapter.

Studying is already a tedious task if it’s not something you’re used to, so here are some tips to get you started or help you maintain and improve your studying.

Ditch the phone

We all know that phones are the biggest distraction when it comes to doing any kind of work, so get rid of it. No, that doesn’t mean to destroy it – but either turn it off completely, place it far away from you, or both. Another thing you could do is ask a friend if they can keep your phone for a certain amount of time so it forces you to get any work done.

Find A good spot to study

Usually, when anyone thinks of studying, they think of their room. While it is very important to be in a comfortable setting when studying, you should never be too comfortable. For example, when you study in your bed, you are too relaxed and you will not be focused because you’ll have the urge to lay down or sleep. If you do decide to study in your room, study at a desk, or sit in a chair. My best advice is to go somewhere like a library, or even outside. Also, try exploring your campus to find some secret, quiet study spots.

Organize your space

If you do decide to study in your room or any type of personal office space, try to clean and tidy up your surroundings. Having things messy or even cluttered can be a distraction to you. Make up your bed, put away or hide things that you’ll be tempted to procrastinate with. Remember, an organized area = an organized mind.

Get a study buddy or join a study group

Sometimes studying alone is challenging. Especially if you’re like me and find it hard to focus when you’re by yourself. So don’t let that stop you from not improving your study habit. Most college campuses have resources where you can find study groups or study partners that can help you focus on your work. When you study in groups or with other people, it’s harder for you to get off task because everyone else is on task. It’s more of an encouraging thing more than anything. You can even find a study group or a study partner in a class that you have!

Take care of mental health, and get some rest!

Of course, studying and getting school work done is important, but you cannot do those things with little to no sleep. Before you study, make sure you are well-rested and have plenty of energy to do so. Trying to study or do any kind of work with a lack of sleep is never ideal. If you have to, try to take a quick 20-minute nap before you start. Most importantly, do not try to cram everything into one study session, take at least 10-15 minute breaks in between so you don’t wear yourself out.

Hopefully, these tips help you get started with improving your study habit, remember to take breaks, and get rest. Remember, a healthy study habit is the key to success!

My name is Akeena Smith, I am currently a sophomore at UNT, and my major is Media Arts!