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Tips for a Successful (& Happy!) Semester

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Millersville chapter.

Hello, fellow students!

The semester has officially begun and you’re probably starting to get onto a schedule that works for you with all of your new classes, work, extra-curriculars, and everything else you have going on.

This is such a fun time of year, especially now that most of us are (finally!) back to an in-person format for our classes. But after jumping into things right after all of that virtual learning followed by summer vacation, it’s understandable if you’ve been a little stressed at some point in the last few weeks. I’ve sure had my moments. That’s why I’ve decided to share with you some of my habits and tips for getting good grades without experiencing burnout. Here goes:

  1. Put everything in your planner.

Now, when I say everything, I mean everything. Jot down the due dates for all of your assignments, meetings times, and other any commitments. I like to have a syllabus for each class and my work schedule handy as a reference point for myself, and for large class projects I go back and put little progress checks to make sure I stay on track. No task is too small – just think of how great you’ll feel later checking off all the things that you’ve accomplished. You can also put tasks in order of importance so that you’re prioritizing what matters most. Ahhh, productivity.

  1. Keep track of your time.

Do whatever works for you. Some people prefer to add everything to their planner or their phone calendar. Or, if you’re someone who likes to see exactly how much time you’ve spent on a class or activity (like me), there are a ton of apps that can do this for you. Some even have an option to lock you out of the rest of your phone for a set amount of time to keep you focused on your studies.

The results were eye-opening when I first started monitoring my time. I had no idea how many minutes and hours I was wasting on things that weren’t helping me get closer to achieving any of my goals! Now that I have a better idea of how long it takes me to study and do other daily tasks, I can carve time out of my schedule to do those things and free up the rest of my day for fun activities!

  1. Find a place that helps you focus.

This can vary widely depending on the person, but for me, a clean workspace in a room without any noise or distractions works best. I also find it helpful to get up and walk around, grab a snack, or do anything besides think for a few minutes in between study sessions so that I can encourage creative thought and give my brain a little break. It might feel counterintuitive to not study during the time you’ve set aside to study, but trust me, you will find that you actually get more done when your mental and physical needs are met!

  1. Treat yourself.

Just finished that paper you’ve been working on for two weeks? Finally get done with that online quiz you’ve been putting off? Be sure to treat yourself afterwards! You deserve it; you work hard! Plus, giving yourself something special after accomplishing your goals (no matter how small) will act as positive reinforcement and help you to associate good things with your effort. Next time, you might even finish earlier because you’ll be excited about your reward.

  1. Find a balance.

Lastly, remember to have patience with yourself. We are all human and we all need to rest sometimes. It’s okay to take some time for yourself to breathe and recharge after you’ve been working hard. Be sure to get enough sleep, exercise, and eat something that makes you feel good so that you can feel like your best self. Practicing self-care may sound a little cliché, but it’s important to both your physical and mental health. Achieving balance can also help you to study more effectively, because you won’t be sleep-deprived or stressed to the max.

And there you have it! These are my habits for being successful in college without sacrificing my well-being (or sanity). Feel free to adapt these and make them your own – what works for one person may not be perfect for someone else. I hope you guys find these tips useful and that you all have an amazing semester!



Autumn Schmoel

Millersville '23

Hi! I'm Autumn, a senior at Millersville University majoring in business administration and minoring in entrepreneurship. I’m also the bonding coordinator for Millersville’s chapter of Her Campus. I love reading, writing, and crafting (you name it)!