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Karolina Wojtasik/HBO Max
Culture > Digital

If social media apps were human.

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at MUJ chapter.


Instagram is that one person in the friend group who gets referred to as the annoying bossy Head In Charge. With a top-tier skincare regime and outfits that could easily feature on the covers of Vogue or Metropolitan, Miss I. Gram is here to kill (with her charm, of course). Her humor isn’t quite original, but she makes up for it by being the one who says the jokes out the loudest. An avid extrovert, she is the center of activity in her friend group. All gossip, the news about upcoming events goes through her retinue; and in all her earnestness, she makes sure everyone knows.


Do you know the type of people who like to cause trouble just for fun? That’s it. That’s Twitter. A drama queen through and through, she is all for fights and trash-talks. In her own way, she is an activist too. She does all she can for the general good, but it’s hard to deny that often her opinions are straight-up bad. She sometimes gets super rude about stuff that annoys her and tends to snap at people. With the attention span of a dazed sparrow, she speaks a lot. All in all, she’s well-loved by her peers and makes sure that they keep loving her.


Tumblr is that one deranged 12-year-old kid who won’t stop blabbing about his interests. His philosophy says that everything around him needs to be about the things he loves. And so he dresses in-band shirts, wears Goth eyeliner, and writes crossover fanfiction while blasting Sweater Weather on loop. With a sense of humor that invokes more cringes than laughs, he’s quite good at heart. For all his flaws and chaos, he’s just a kid trying his best; and perhaps that’s why all the grownups around him just let him be.


LinkedIn is easily the overachieving prodigy of the family. She already had 8 years of work experience by the time of her fifth birthday. The personification of the word Girlboss, she isn’t here to mess around. All she knows is one thing, and that thing is to get stuff done. But being such a workaholic has its side effects too. People often struggle to understand her and she comes across as an intimidating personality. And that’s not even an understatement-she is indeed intimidating, and she secretly loves this fact.


Reddit is a know-it-all, there’s no easy way to say it but that’s the truth. May it be knowledge about some complex bits of code or something as mundane as ways to fix a broken pipe, Reddit has it all. He is a 43 years old white man who has platitudes within him: one day he’s a friendly guy who jokes around goofily, the next he’s a whole dudebro named Chad. Reddit often tends to hang out with highly obnoxious people and that almost always sucks. But at the end of the day, if you need help with literally anything, this guy is the one to go to.


Crowned as the supreme leader of chaos, Snapchat is that one friend who has gone through so much ‘character development; that he barely resembles the person he used to be. Say whatever you may, he is one trustworthy lad. Your secrets are safe with him, he knows how to keep his mouth shut partly because he seems to forget almost everything the moment you tell him. Being high maintenance is a key part of his personality, he demands daily attention to satiate his vanity. But once you’re in his good books, he’s a pretty great friend. He clicks pretty cool pictures too, so that’s a bonus.

Vrinda Kohli is an eighteen years old Computer Science Engineering student at Manipal University Jaipur. She likes to binge read in her scarce spare time.