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Ways to enjoy this winter

Updated Published
The opinions expressed in this article are the writer’s own and do not reflect the views of Her Campus.
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCT chapter.

As the end of Autumn has come and gone, we’re reminded of what’s upon us: winter is here. This winter does not only have to represent hard times: by using the tips below, we can all find pleasure during this cold time of the year and fight the blues. Just for some extra encouragement: Spring will be right around the corner in no time, so we’ll be able to enjoy the warm weather soon enough!

Dress up

I mean this in both ways. Firstly, wear warm clothes and layer up. Make sure that you have the winter essentials, from beanies to scarves and gloves as well as polonecks (turtlenecks), jackets and coats. These are all outerwear. Innerwear must-haves include stockings, socks and vests- be sure to have these as they’re essential for keeping warm and toasty! 

Secondly, have fun with it! Play dress up like we used to once upon a time. Play some music, dance to your favourite songs and try out different outfits.                                                                                                    

If you feel like you’re stuck and are not sure where to begin, some inspo on sites like Pinterest and Instagram. This could help you figure out which sort of ‘fits you’d like to rock this winter. Remember that you don’t have to follow trends or keep up with what’s popular- just explore your style and have fun doing so!

Cozy vibes

With countless submissions and constantly feeling as if we have no time to relax, it’s essential for us to savour our breaks. After all, exam season is almost upon us. Having a breather by drinking your favourite hot bev with some biscuits or rusks while watching a show or a movie sounds like bliss, so please indulge in this idyllic experience. This is a wonderful way to keep warm whilst catching up on something else other than schoolwork.

Get creative

Playing dress up is one way to be creative during the colder months. In addition to this, learning a new skill or picking up a hobby during winter can be another way to take a break from university work. It will be exciting to see how far you’ve come when Spring pulls through. Cooking up a storm by trying new recipes essentially means we’ll reach chef status in no time (no pressure) or so we’d love to think. Trying out delicious recipes is a fun way to hone this skill and eat good food, so it’s a win-win situation.

Stay healthy

The colder months sometimes encourage us to create excuses to not partake in certain activities and working out could be one of those things for you. It is much easier to stay snuggled up in bed and say that we’ll work out another day. Therefore, I challenge you to do a workout (even if it’s just for a few minutes) to stay fit and warm up in the process. Another win-win situation! Another way to stay healthy and to keep your immune system in shape is stocking up on medicinal products and nutritious food. This will help with fighting the flu, especially during the pandemic.   

Go outside

I know I mentioned COVID, and going outside is not necessarily ideal during Winter, but please hear me out on this one. Getting fresh air is always a must and being outdoors (again, even if it’s for a few minutes) allows us to connect with nature (especially in this beautiful city). Since we are already constantly indoors, getting out of the house can be really beneficial.

In the whole-hearted words of Edith Sitwell: “Winter is the time for comfort, for good food and warmth, for the touch of a friendly hand and for a talk beside the fire: it is the time for home”. Keeping this in mind, remember to be cosy, keep warm and enjoy this winter!

Someone who enjoys learning.