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When Your Supervisor Makes You Uncomfortable

I work in the dining hall at school. My supervisor is very crass and it makes me feel uncomfortable. He is only a few years older than me and yet he is immature and inappropriate in the work place. Should I say anything to him or someone else? Or should I just ask to switch to another dining hall?

If possible, try to express to him that his crass behavior makes you feel uncomfortable and it would be beneficial to the work environment if he used a different tone. Begin the conversation with “I feel uncomfortable when” and express what you need to happen. By approaching it this way you are not inciting a conflict, you are just stating your side of things. If you are uncomfortable approaching him, go to human resources or whomever he reports to and express your  discomfort with his behavior. Whether or not you should switch to another dining hall is completely up to you and what kind of work situation you are willing to tolerate. This is an option you should discuss with human resources. They will be able to help you with conflict mediation and with deciding what the best solution is for you. 

Laura Tirello, Certified Career Coach and owner of Core Life Design, focuses on assisting successful people find strategies to use their unique working style to become more productive and creative in their career. She specializes in teaching "idea" people how to eliminate overwhelm, clear the clutter from their minds, and get comfortable with the ideas that work for who they are and where they want to go. Whether you are trying to discover your perfect career or if you are in a career that needs an adjustment, Laura can help you align your career with you. Before starting her coaching business she received a master’s degree in Education and has 11 years of experience as an educator. Being both a coach and educator gives her a solid foundation in assisting her clients in creating a career and life plan that meets their personal goals. In her spare time, Laura loves to read, play with her super cute dog, and watch movies. She travels often; her favorite places are the South West United States and the South of France. As an “idea” person, she is constantly creating new projects and ventures. You can learn more about Laura by visiting www.corelifedesign.com