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Iowa Abortion Wars | Think an Abortion Ban Won’t Affect You? Think Again

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Iowa State chapter.

Listen up, ladies.  Unless you have been living under a rock (or under a massive pile of homework) for the past couple of weeks, you have mostly likely heard about the new regulations the Iowa GOP is trying to pass regarding abortion and birth control.  Honestly, it can all get pretty confusing and overwhelming trying to understand what is at stake, concerning women’s rights.  No matter what viewpoint you hold on the matter, it is critically important to fully understand what these new standards mean for Iowan women and you specifically.

First and foremost, it is necessary to have a little background information on what this bill would entail.  The bill would state that all abortions are illegal and that life begins immediately at conception.  The only exceptions to this rule would be
victims of rape and incest and women considered at-risk in their pregnancy.  The interesting (and shocking!) aspect of this bill is that, if passed, it would also ban some forms of birth control, including “the pill.”  As of now, affordable birth control can be accessed through Planned Parenthood or a physician.  “The Pill” is one of the most popular forms of birth control out there, especially among young women.

The question at hand is what would this new bill mean for young women, specifically college-aged women?  Most of us are at a point in our lives where we are not ready for a child or everything that comes along with that responsibility, on top of our academic duties.  Regardless of whether you participate in the hook-up culture, enjoy sexual intimacy in a committed relationship or abstain completely, think about what this means for young women.  What effect would this have on the pregnancy rate?  Without such a accessible, popular and trusted form of contraception on the market, it is almost sure pregnancy rates would rise—if not skyrocket.  These are important questions to consider as young, college-aged women especially.

Consider this an “Abortion Ban 101,” a quick overview of what may be to come should the new bill pass.  Regardless of your feelings concerning abortion, it is important and necessary to analyze all aspects of this issue and realize what we, as young women, could be facing in the future.  Get informed and get proactive about what you believe in.  Read, research, educate yourself on the issues and fine print.  Talk about it with other girls.  Write, blog and speak out.  Whatever the outcome may be, it is sure to cause a few wars among the Iowan Government, and Iowan women.  It is your battle, too.