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“That Girl” on Campus: Weekend Edition

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BC chapter.

Know what’s fun to watch?  Walks of shame.  In fact, the walk of shame has become a spectator sport here at BC, especially around Halloween when people set up lounge chairs outside of the Mods to watch all the costumes walk by.  Know what’s not fun?  Being that girl on her 9 am walk of shame down the street, wearing last night’s scandalous outfit, still kind of drunk and exceptionally hung over.  Not a cute look.  Know what it earns you?  Yep, you guessed it: the infamous title of “that girl” on the weekend.

Remember my article from last week that talked about how to avoid becoming “that girl” on campus?  Okay, well here are some awesome tips about how to avoid becoming “that girl” on the weekends.  She’s one hot mess we don’t want to become.
Don’t be “that girl” who:
1.  Deserts her friends and her life in favor of spending time with a boy (or boys)
Honey, you’re not married yet.  You have plenty of time to be anti-social with your significant other down the road, but this is college.  Don’t neglect your friends!  Want the best of both worlds?  Bring your guy out with you!  Can’t do that?  Split your time equally so no one feels left out.

2.  Brags about how drunk she was the night before…
…how she doesn’t remember anything that happened, or how she woke up in a stranger’s bed and walk-of-shamed it home at 10 am the next day.  I’m really not sure this is something you want to broadcast to the world.  You’re just setting yourself up to be the subject of next week’s lunchtime gossip, and I’m pretty sure this isn’t something you should be proud of… but that’s just me.

3.  Can’t say “no” or pursues anything living and breathing that shows even the slightest interest in her
Have you ever woken up the morning after and thought to yourself, “ew!  What was I thinking?”  Okay, then.  Ladies, have some standards; you deserve better than that.  Make him work for it (whatever “it” might be…).

4.  Does the walk of shame
What, you don’t want to be a contestant in this awesome new spectator sport?!  Then don’t get stuck in a random room with a random guy with only the clothes you wore out last night, which were definitely not meant to see the light of day, smudged makeup, and messy hair.  Cheat the system: throw a pair of pants and a pair of shoes in your bag just in case, and walk back to your room with a smile.  Boom.  Instant winner.

5.  Cries when she’s drunk
No one likes the party pooper.  Who wants to be at a party where everyone is upset?  Nobody.  Parties are supposed to be happy, fun, and exciting- so please, for the rest of us, keep the crying to a minimum and do it in the privacy of your own room.

6.  Is always a drunken mess and/or always blacks out
We are all guilty of this one at one point or another, but that doesn’t mean it should become a regular thing.  Having to play the babysitter is no fun, but needing one is even worse.  Don’t you want to wake up and remember how much fun (debauchery) you had last night?

7.  Updates her Facebook status every 10 minutes…
… and makes sure to post pictures of last night’s crazy rager first thing in the morning.  We get it, you’re a total socialite and you spent your Friday nights partying it up with all the cool kids.  There’s these two terms I’d like to share with you with regards to weekend Facebook updates: censorship and moderation.

8.  Always answers blatant booty calls
If you get text messages after 12 am on a weekend night from a guy you barely talk to, don’t answer them.  Especially if they contain something like “what’s up,” “where are you?” or “can I come over?”  If those don’t send up your booty call red flags, they should.  Girls, you know exactly what he wants, so don’t be naïve and give it to him.  Again, make him work.  (Side note: if you do answer the booty call, bring a change of clothes so you don’t have to be “that” walk of shame the next morning).

9.  Uses social situations to brag about “knowing” certain people to seem popular
Just because you met so-and-so once or twice, does not make you bff’s with them.

10.  Goes out in clothes that could more accurately be described as undergarments
This includes, but is not limited to, shirts showing too much cleavage (put it away) and shorts and skirts that are so short they aren’t hiding anything (I’m sure you have a lovely butt, but I really don’t want to see it).  Shorter and tighter are not always better.  Please wear clothes that fit, and don’t put it all on display.  This girl makes for the most obvious, embarrassing walks of shame.

Don’t misunderstand me, I am definitely not telling you to take all the fun out of your weekends, but if you want to avoid being “that girl,” try following some of these tips.  You can still have a great time without building a less-than-desirable reputation for yourself.  And as always, keep it classy, ladies.
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Caitlin is currently a student at Boston College studying English and Pre-Law.  At BC, she is a member of the Boston College Irish Dance Club, on the Honors Program Student Executive Board's Community Service Committee, and interns and writes for the fashion and culture blog Rusted Revolution.  She has been wriring for Her Campus BC since Jaunary 2011 and is serving as BC's Campus Correspondent for the 2012-2013 school year.  Outside of school, she is a competitive Irish dancer, and has been dancing for 18 years. During her high school career, she completed an engineering project at Case Western Reserve University that made her one of 40 Intel Science Talent Search Finalists in 2009.   In addition to all of this, Caitlin loves reading, yoga, running, shopping, spending time with friends and family, and traveling.