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Meet Team H: A Pair of Mr. Campus Freshman ’15 candidates

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Yale chapter.


Robby Harder and Andrew Heymann

College: Saybrook 

Year: 2015

Redding, CT and
Lake Oswego, OR

Individually, these two are known as Robby and Andrew, but together they are known as “Team H.”  In the words of Andrew Heymann, he and Robby Harder compliment each other quite nicely.  Harder is a distance swimmer on the men’s swim team, while Heyman is a sprinter.  Robby is a bit more outgoing, while Andrew is a little quieter.  Andrew wants to study engineering, and Robby want to study English.  They both love Yorkside, going to sporting events (volleyball in particular), and Halloween.  And their pet peeves are Yale Security and bad weather, rain in particular.  

HC: What’s your favorite part about Yale so far?

AH: The swim team. 

RH: The people. 

AH: Yeah, all the individual people.  Everyone has such a good story. 

HC: What are your favorite classes?

RH: Spanish 1.  We have Friday Funday.  We listen to Spanish pop songs. 

AH: Physics 200. 

HC: What are your favorite dining halls? 

RH: Morse and Stiles.

AH: Berkeley.

RH: It’s over rated. 

AH: Well it depends on the meal.  Morse and Stiles are the best for dinner, Berkley for relaxed week day lunches, and Davenport for Sunday brunch. 

HC: Yale girls are the best because…

Team H: They’re smart and driven, but still know how to have a good time.

HC: Could you please describe your ideal date in New Haven?

Long pause.

AH: I’ve only been here two months.  But, I guess it would be dressing up, then going to a nice dinner.  I’d be hoping the weather is nice, I hope that it would be cold, but not too cold, and not raining.  Going on a short walk, then hitting a movie. 

RH: That’s romantic bro.  My ideal date would be anything that ends with me eating ice cream, not froyo, real ice cream. 

HC: What is “Team H” all about? 

AH: Mainly winning. 

RH: But without trying.

AH: Well, just a little bit.

RH: But only with your talents.

AH: Relaxed chill. 

RH: A little fly. 

AH: But not butterfly.

RH: Butterfly is beat. 

Her Campus decided to ask a few members of the swim team what “Team H” means to them.  Captain Chris Luu, Branford ’12, said “as two of the fastest guys on the team as mere freshman, Team H has already made a name for themselves in the pool.  However, they are quickly making a name for themselves in the illustrious game of caps.”  Caps is the swim team’s Saturday night game of choice.  Mike Dominski, Silliman ’13, explains that the men’s swim team puts a lot of stock into being able to put quarters into cups.  It was here, in the heat of competition that the term “Team H” was coined.  “In terms of what Team H means to the team, they think they’re amazing at caps, but in reality they are freshman and therefore are terrible at caps.  My team with Jared Lovett, Team Pie Slamma Jamma, is far superior, obviously,” said Dominksi.  Team H plans on being roomies next year, and hope to graduate Yale.

Jackie is a junior Sociology major at Yale University with a concentration in Gender studies. As a southern California native, she loves the sun, Mexican food, frozen yogurt, freeways and friendly strangers. Jackie plans to test out the rest of her early 20's on the east coast, but knows she will ultimately find herself back in the Los Angeles area. She spent the first half of last summer as a fashion intern near her home north of Los Angeles and the second half studying abroad in Prague. While interning, Jackie renewed her love of the fashion industry culture and affirmed her interest in pursuing fashion publications as a career. She had the time of her life in Prague and traveling throughout Europe where she was referred to as everything from "gypsy woman" to "Pocahontas" for her bohemian tribal style. Her fashion icons are Kate Hudson and Jessica Szohr. At Yale, Jackie pitched for the varsity women's softball team before suffering an elbow injury this year. In her spare time, Jackie enjoys thrift store shopping, running, and gossiping with her mom. Some of her obsessions include Starbucks cinnamon dolce lattes, Free People, Guide Dogs of America, baseball (Go Dodgers!), John Mayer and family.