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All Things Bright and Beautiful

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at CU Boulder chapter.

Every Thanksgiving my family writes what we’re most thankful for on sticky notes and paste them around the house.  Each year there’s the obvious: “my family” or “my friends”.  There’s the funny: “milk and cookies”, “my bed”, or scribbles from a toddler cousin.  Last year one sticky note stuck out to me: “all things bright and beautiful,” it read.  Baking cookies with my sister.  Fresh laundry.  Stumbling across an unexpected farmer’s market.  Crispy apples.  Dried mangoes in the pantry.  Finding a few dollars in your ski coat from last winter.  I took this picture on a day trip to New York City this summer.  I thought the bright flowers made the dreary building beautiful and alive.  This Thanksgiving I’m going to try and notice the little things more, all the things bright and beautiful.  

Anna is a Sophomore at the University of Colorado at Boulder studying Journalism in the News-Editorial track. She is very involved in her sorority, Kappa Alpha Theta, where she is curerntly the Vice President of Development. Also within the Greek Community, Anna writes for The Odyssey, a Greek newspaper. With a spare moment, Anna loves capturing the beauty of everyday through photography, embarking on mini adventures, skiing the peaks, and sipping chai. Nothing relaxes her more than tying on her running shoes and exploring the mountain trails and soaking up Colorado's sun. A recent addition to the Her Campus Team, she is excited for what is to come!