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Santiago and Leonardo

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at RIT chapter.

This week we’re meeting the other pair running for Student Government president and vice president. Victor Santiago and Mark Leonardo are currently not a part of Student Government but are involved extensively with other campus clubs, organizations and events.
Running for the presidential seat, Santiago is a fourth year, Graphic Design major.
What made you get into Student Government in general? At RIT?
I was part of the Student Government in high school. But what really got me interested in Student Government is the idea that I can do more for the RIT student, than just being an OA, RA, etc.
At RIT especially, because I love this school and want what is best for the students.
What made you decide to run?
I decided to run because after listening to students complain about certain topics, I felt that I can bring this to SG and work of them myself. In addition, I feel that with the experience I have gained from my involvement at RIT, I am the best candidate for the students in which I will represent.
Why did you agree to run as Mark’s running partner?
I chose Mark because we have done so much together and we work well together. In addition, I feel that we both have a passion for this school and he will help me/I help him in accomplishing all our goals and anything that comes up during the term.
What, personally, do you want to bring to the position if you are elected?
I personally want to bring a different perspective to RIT, an outsider perspective, seeing that I have not been directly involved with SG.
His running mate, Mark Leonardo is a fourth year, Multi-disciplinary Studies major.
What made you get into Student Government in general? At RIT?
I was president of my high school Student Government and last fall I applied to be the senator of my college but did not get the position, however I did remain involved in MSOs and clubs, which helped me, maintain my relationship with Student Government.
What made you decide to run?
My involvement and passion for this campus. I want students to get the best out of their college experience that is why I joined so many clubs so that I could help put on events that students would want to attend. I have always encouraged other students to get involved and experience all campus has to offer by going to as many events as possible. I want to spread the spirit so much I created a flash mob during orientations convocation to show new students and their parents how much fun RIT is. I decided to run because I want to continue to spread the spirit but also I want to help the students make the change they want to see on campus.
Why did you agree to run as Victor’s running partner?
Victor and I are best friends, even though we are almost opposites. However that allows for us to work well with each other because his strengths are my weakness and vice versa, also I know he is just as involved and passionate about this campus and wants to see it be the best campus. Between the two of us we have 8 years of experience in delegating, event planning, building strong relationships with administration, and involvement on this campus. When looking for a running partner I wanted to find someone who knew more about campus, had more passion, and more motivation than the average leader on campus. I found that in victor.
What, personally, do you want to bring to the position if you are elected?
I would help to bring back spirit Fridays and make sure this campus was filled with spirit and pride. The vice president oversees all the senators. I would want to build a strong relationship with them and further encourage them to get out into their college and find out want students are saying about the college and the campus then bring that information back to student government where I would be able to help create and follow through with a plan of action. I would be a strong force in making sure all the senators are constantly achieving their goals and setting new goals that push this campus in the forward direction.
Together, Santiago and Leonardo hope to include more student involvement throughout entire processes and projects on RIT’s campus. Similar to their opponents, they want the student body to truly support and be involved with what is going on with their campus.
What do you believe sets you apart from other candidates?
What we believe sets us apart from the other candidates is our experience in leadership, campus involvement and the outsider perspective. We have participated and brought up many activities, and student affair areas, that have given us a chance to interact with students and talk to them personally.
What do you believe is the main focus of your campaign?
The main focus of our campaign is the students:
Reach out: Get the feedback of the students
Integrate: Take the feedback and integrated into the different goals we have. In addition integrate all of the communities, to make a stronger RIT community.
Inform: Get the information out there to the students, let them know what SG is doing and what RIT has to offer to them.
Celebrate: Acknowledge the accomplishments of the students on this campus, from individuals to large groups.
What is the biggest change/goal you’d wish to accomplish if you are elected?
Get the students to know what SG is. Many students do not know who SG is and what they do. Get SG back into the community and be more visible by the students it represents.

Olivia is a sophomore Advertising and Public Relations major at the Rochester Institute of Technology. She works for RIT SportsZone as a reporter and in the marketing department. She is now also a co-founder of the RIT HerCampus branch which she can't wait to get started! Her biggest dream is to have her own talk show or to work as a reporter for ESPN. Her hobbies include acting and singing and she is almost always performing. She also has an unhealthy addiction to peanut butter and feels the need to put it on everything she eats! After RIT she hopes to attend performing school in New York City where she plans to live for the rest of her life and fullfill her dreams.